March Events at Saluda River Club
Saluda River Club presents the March Calendar of Events for residents and guests.
Lake Murray is Cooking
Thursday, March 3rd, Chickawa Outdoor Center, 5:30-8:30pm
Hosted by the Lake Murray Chamber of Commerce. Everyone is invited to sample delicious food prepared by professional and amateur chefs from around the Lake. The cost is $10 and includes tasting tickets. Adult beverages will be available for purchase. No RSVP necessary. (open to the public)
Premier Designs Jewelry Party to benefit Cocky’s Reading Express
Sunday, March 6th, Village Clubhouse, 3:00-5:30pm
Hosted by SRC resident Shana Clavet. Bring family and friends to shop for Easter, Mother’s Day, Graduation or treat yourself! Cocky’s Reading Express is a collaboration of the University of South Carolina Student Government and the University’s School of Library and Information Science. (Registration is now closed)
Women’s Bible Study-Discerning the Voice of God
Monday, March 7th – April 4th, 6:30pm, Village Clubhouse
This is a six week study by Pricilla Shirer on practical help for knowing when God speaks and what His plan is for you. Books for the study can be purchased at any Christian bookstore. (Registration is now closed.)
Ladies Bunco
Tuesday, March 8th, 7pm, Village Clubhouse
Bunco is the second Tuesday of every month. Bring your favorite beverage and $5 to contribute to the pot. We are also looking for at least six volunteers to bring a hearty snack to share with the ladies. RSVP by March 3rd.
St. Patrick’s Day Party
Thursday, March 17th, 6:00-8:30pm, Chickawa Outdoor Center
Come celebrate with traditional Irish food & spirits and don’t forget your GREEN! Enjoy live music by Jesse Isley & the Trippers. RSVP by March 14th.
Wine Tasting hosted by Palmetto Wine & Spirits
Thursday, March 24th, 6:00-8:00pm, Village Clubhouse
You are invited to a casual, drop-in wine tasting featuring four to six wines and light snacks. This event is hosted by Palmetto Wine & Spirits and Millennium Beverage Company. RSVP by March 21st.
For more information about these and other great events at Saluda River Club, checkout our Community Calendar or contact our Lifestyle Director at 803-808-3752.