Ah, spring. The time to open windows. Breathe the fresh air. Let the light in. And discover how much dust and extra stuff you’ve collected over the winter. What extra stuff? Go ahead and take a look around. You might be surprised to see that formerly bare spaces are now occupied and formerly small piles have gotten a little out of hand.

Now that you’ve noticed all the extra stuff in your house, perhaps a spring cleaning is in your future. Whether you’ve already found your perfect home at the Saluda River Club, or are planning to become part of our community in the future, spring is a great opportunity to refresh the look of your home, get rid of the things that no longer appeal to you or make you happy (Marie Kondo, anyone?), and maybe even make a few extra dollars on the side. After all, spring is prime yard sale season. No matter how outdated or downright ugly you think something is, chances are there is someone out there who is looking for that exact thing and willing to pay good money for it. Saluda River Club even has the perfect venue for you to sell all the things you are willing to part with: a community yard sale scheduled for April. Check out the Saluda River Club community calendar for information about this event and all the other amazing things happening in the community in the coming months.

Don’t worry if you aren’t feeling the spring clean vibe right now. Start with these tips and you may soon find that you are psyched to start throwing things away, donating to charity, and sprucing up your living situation.

  • Start by gathering some supplies: At a minimum, you’ll need garbage bags, storage boxes, and an idea of what you want to do with your stuff once you’ve decided to get rid of it. Will you donate it to an organization? Have a yard sale? Give it away to someone you know? It’s up to you.
  • Don’t overestimate how much decluttering you can do in a day. For each day of cleaning, pick a confined space, such as a closet or small room, and work to get through the stuff in that room. If you have more energy after finishing that space, pick another confined space and keep going.
  • Sort your belongings into 3 piles. You can have a keep pile, a giveaway pile, and a throw away pile.
  • If you don’t know what to do with something (keep it vs. throw it away), put it in an out-of-the-way space for a set period of time. For example, in the garage for 3 months. If, after that time, you haven’t thought about it or used it, you should more easily be able to let it go.

Whether you are thinking about a move, buying a new home, or are in a redecorating mood, spring cleaning is your chance to reset your living space, break out of the decorating doldrums, and discover a new you. Once you’ve cleared out the clutter inside, you might find you are ready to explore outside a bit more and a place like Saluda River Club, with our beautiful river, gorgeous green spaces, and fabulous amenities, such as our Chicawa Outdoor Center which features an amphitheater, fitness center, and even a dog park. Or check out the many clubs and activities at Saluda River Club. Your spring cleaning might inspire you to find a new interest or hobby, and the many group activities in the community is the perfect way to meet new likeminded friends and neighbors. So go ahead and clear out the clutter! You might be amazed at how ridding yourself of your “stuff” makes you feel.