Thursday 11/16
Boomers & Beyond Oyster Roast
on The Riverfront 6pm

Calling all Boomers & Beyond (both singles and couples over 50)!  Join your neighbors on The Riverfront at 6pm for an Oyster Roast.  Whip up your favorite chili or bring an appetizer.  And, as always the beverage of your choice.  We’ll also be roasting marshmallows so bring a stick and extra lawn chairs.

Deadline to pay for oysters is Saturday, November 11th
The cost is $10.00 per person for those that eat oysters.  Chuck and Judy Klotz 354 River Club Drive 803 -238-7785 or Mike and Patsy Burkhold 103 Old Woodlands Blvd 803-622-7438 will take payment.

Also, we are looking for volunteers to help set-up at 5pm.