Here’s What’s Happening Around the Neighborhood this Month

Join your neighbors for Aqua Fit on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Village Club at 6pm. 

July Activities:

Monday-Thursday 7/16-19 Gymnastics camp for ages 2-6 at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 9am-12pm
Activities include mats, balance beams, trampolines, bars, rings, tumbling aids, and much more.

Tuesday 7/17 Ladies Bunco at the Village Club 7pm
Come for a night of fun with the ladies of SRC who get together on the 3rd Tuesday of every month to play bunco. We start arriving @ 7pm and play till 8:30. Bring $5 for the winners pot……never played, don’t worry, there are a few veterans to teach the rules and get the games started. For information you can contact Pat Cronin @ 803-521-9138 or Jean Dyson @ 803-429-2349.

Wednesday 7/18, 15 Ladies Bible Study at the Village Club 7pm
Please join us for our Fall Bible Study at the Village Club on Wednesday nights. We will be using Beth Moore’s study of the book of Daniel.

Thursday 7/19 Men’s Night POKER GAME at the Village Club 7pm
POKER GAME!!! Lose a few old presidents & win some new friends. Low stakes, High fun. No experience preferred. Men’s Night is the Third Thursday of every month. Bring your favorite beverage and a snack.

Friday 7/20 Boomers and Beyond at the Village Club 5:30pm
Boomers (both singles and couples over 50) meet at the Village Clubhouse the third Friday of each month at 5:30pm. Bring an appetizer to share and the beverage of your choice. If you would like to play left, right, center, bring three one dollar bills per person.

Monday-Thursday 7/23-26 Circus camp for ages 2-6 at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 9am-12pm
Activities include tight wires, stilts, juggling, face painting, and much more.

Monday-Thursday 7/30-8/2 Beach camp for ages 5-12 at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 9am-12pm
Activities include bocce ball, corn toss, frisbee, beach tennis, flip cup, ladder golf, washer boards, beach ball volleyball, and pool games.

Tuesday 7/31 Book Club at the Village Club 7:30pm
The book club will be reading, “Coming Clean” by Kimberly Rae Miller. Book club discussions are held at the Village Club at 7:30 on the last Tuesday of the month. Come share your thoughts on the latest book and give ideas on any future reads. If you have any questions you can contact Pat Cronin at 803-521-9138 or email atcroninp32@hotmail.com.

View the full calendar at www.saludariverclub.com to see all the activities.

Kid Fit Summer Camps at Saluda River Club:
July 16-19 Gymnastics camp for ages 2-6
July 23-26 Circus camp for ages 2-6
July 30-Aug 2 Beach camp for ages 5-12

Each camp will meet both on the Riverfront and inside the Chickawa Outdoor Center. The cost for each camp is $60/child/week. All campers must be potty trained. Each camp is Monday-Thursday. Kids are to bring a snack and a water bottle every day. Please email activities@saludariverclub.com to reserve a space for your child.

Swimming Lessons at SRC:
Registration for classes is now open. To register, contact Kitty Konkle at Kitty KittyKonkle.smss@gmail.com or 803-348-3652.